Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"HOW BODO" improve our results from Adsense

Why do I say "how Bodo"? iyalah kan ya .. I still have not stupid .. pinter rich master2 adsense who have studied TIPS AND TRICKS betul2 BUSINESS ONLINE, especially adsense.
This is not the way to the SEO, kag usah nembak2 keyword (make dizziness) he2,
tips where it? (halah) intermittent dong ya ... I have let tuh Reviews of gitu .. let's not on (he2) will fill blogku although I ngerasa
okeh .... dah start dizzy? .. apalagi klo puasa2 gini read the text on kecil2 gini even sleepy (he2), but dah ngomong2 on acount adsense have not yet? who have not yet? pity deh .. (becanda) .. I deh list has not been easy I have panduannya Click this aja
Gini aja deh dah I assume you have a adsense account ..
tips and tricks it is ....:
1. open new acount in yahoo.com
2. yahoo.groups into ...
3. tuh search group that according to the blog adsense ... you find that many members there are thousands .. .. bayangin aja klo blogging every day to see in 1000 by people who click ads are there 100 people per click is $ 0.1. lumayan kan dapet $ 10 a day? that only one blog aja .. (ntar bayangin first) he2
4. must pinter2 basa topical groups in the matter kg in approximately SPAM he2 ... .. ya pinter2 you lah ..
5. remember to create a new account because it will be a lot of incoming email from groups
6. frequently updated blog adsensemu
7. klo dah dateng $ sodaqoh .. do not forget (tetep)
tricks above dah I do .. result? ya gitu deh ....
the only one of the tricks "Bodo way", there are many other ways Bodo .. he2, just working hard emang more time and energy. What better a while to learn SEO .. okay?
deh enough tips today ... that master2 just smile while ngasih entries for ya ... mudah2 still learning as I can be useful this paper,,,
in addition there is also a Friendster. google groups .. the main thing is a lot. we live development aja .. cuma pesen I learn SEO tetep .. okay?


  1. Adsense Google is ok,free money waiting ang clik iklannn

  2. Yes,,cara ini memang begitu menyanangkan


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